About US

3D Grading LLC

Attention We have relocated the company to Florida:

For over thirty years, we here at 3D Grading LLC have been involved in the Sports Card/ Comic Book Industry in some form or another. Our enjoyment of collecting cards, especially Baseball cards is what ultimately inspired the creation of 3D Grading LLC. The changes to the Grading Industry have been fast and furious. The big guys literally, priced out all of us, the people who love cards.

It was due to this treatment, by the industry leaders, that led to the formation of 3D Grading LLC. The price of grading a card has become ridiculously expensive to the average collector, or small business seller of cards. A vacuum has been created in the industry where it is no longer cost effective to grade lower end cards.

Many of these cards deserve to be graded, slabbed, and preserved. I am proud to announce that 3D Grading LLC was formed with all this in mind. We are here for everyone, the big, and small collector of cards. All are treated equally, as it is our goal to offer AAA service at a reduced fee. We will decrease processing times to get your cards back to you faster. Trust in us, bring your business to us. Give us a chance to show you what we have to offer. We stand ready and are up to this challenge, we will deliver the best service possible to each one of our fellow collectors.

You are not just a number to us. We will not forget you. Our love of card collecting will be shared with the same enthusiasm you all exert in your passion of card collecting. There is nothing like that feeling you get when your order of graded cards arrives. Excitedly you tear that package open as you nervously await the results, which you proudly will share with the world. Come be a part of this incredible new journey that we will undertake together. I thank you, for your business in advance.

Facts in numbers
0 +
years of experience
0 +
Satisfied Clients
0 +
Our Experience

Our Motto: Grade It!!!

Steve D' alasandro, Owner & Founder of 3D Grading LLC.
Satisfaction Guarantee
Private & Secure